It’s Ski & Snowboard service time
As resorts around the world start preparing to open for the 2019/2020 season, it’s time to get your skis & snowboards serviced in preparation for your trip this year.
Don’t wait until the last minute, have them serviced now.
Ski & Snowboard Storage tips:
After coming back from your trip get them serviced straight away ready for the next time, if not:
· Before putting them away to store, make sure they are completely dry, take out of the bag & leave them in a room for a few days
· Spray some lube e.g WD40, GT85 on a rag & wipe onto the edges
· Put some silica gel packs with them for storge, as help to remove moisture
· Wrap them in bubble wrap
· Store them in a dry place
The gold standard for storage would be to have a storage wax put on them, which helps to condition & protect the bases. Then before use, bring them back & we will scrape off the wax & service them.
Contact us to arrange to get them booked in for a service
